I’m excited to announce the first ever CMPI Practice-A-Thon, taking place between January 1, 2022 and March 31, 2022. All participants have or will create their own MobileCause page where they can accept donations to CMPI. We encourage each of our fellows to use this as a way to set and reach an attainable musical goal, while raising funds for CMPI!
In order to reach our goal of $10,000, we have asked each CMPI fellow to raise a minimum of $100. The top 10 fundraisers will be placed into a drawing for a Boss DB-90 Dr. Beat Metronome. So far, our fellows are doing an amazing job and have already raised more than $3000! 🙌
Show your support for their efforts and make a contribution today! A sample of fellow fundraising pages are listed below. Visit the Practice-A-Thon main page to view all of the fellows’ pages.
As a fellow of CMPI and a percussionist, I know how important it is to practice on my percussion techniques. My personal goal is to be able to master Burton’s grip while using the 4-mallet technique. I want to be competitive as I audition for various summer music programs.
Mekhi Moses
Mekhi’s Fundraising PageMy goal is to record myself during every practice session to simulate performance conditions, and, as a result, achieve more reliable performance quality.
Miriam Kessler
Miriam’s Fundraising PageI am challenging myself to practice playing my scales 24 notes to a bow six days a week for ten minutes a day and learning my Kabalevsky concerto for the Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra’s returning student audition in March.
Paloma Chavira
Paloma’s Fundraising PageBen’s individual practice goal is to get 30 minutes of practice time prior to school/daily activities each morning, in addition to the hour he spends after school!
Ben Houston
Ben’s Fundraising PageMy personal goal is to learn a piece by an underrepresented composer.
Hanna Marszalek
Hanna’s Fundraising PageImages
Mekhi Moses, Miriam Kessler, Paloma Chavira, Ben Houston, Hanna Marszalek