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Amanda Perez, a CMPI Alumni and a recent graduate from Northern Illinois University, reflects on her time as a CMPI summer intern.

Amanda is a very talented violist who recently earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Performance Music at Northern Illinois University and will begin studying for her Master’s Degree at DePaul University in the fall. Amanda joined the CMPI staff this summer as an intern after she received alumni communications about the summer internship opportunity and was excited to apply. Amanda was a CMPI Fellow during the first cohort and graduated the following year. “I feel so grateful and I wish I could’ve been in the program for more years.”

What were some of your responsibilities as a Summer Intern?

As an intern, Amanda worked on the website, sent out e-mailings, created flyers, and assisted with organizing events. Amanda also maintained the CMPI Fellows database and was responsible for multiple projects during her internship.

What have you learned as a Summer Intern?

Amanda expressed how much she has learned, even during her short time as an intern. “I learned a lot about music administration and all the things that go on behind the scenes.” Amanda appreciates the amount of work that is put into planning the events and masterclasses, as well as how much care and consideration is put in for each of the fellows.

What did you enjoy most about your internship experience with CMPI and what was most challenging?

“Being able to ask questions.” Amanda reflected on her time as a CMPI Fellow and expressed having a lot of questions about how the organization was run and learning more about the pathways programs in general. Amanda expressed the most challenging aspect of her internship was not spending the majority of her day practicing her viola and transitioning to an office setting.

What inspired you to pursue a career in music?

Amanda decided at the very young age of three years old to become a performer. She began her studies playing the violin; however, “I picked up the Viola when I was 12 and fell in love with practicing. I was very lucky that I enjoyed practicing.” Amanda enjoyed being a part of the community of classical music and credits CMPI with helping her realize she could pursue music as a career. “I had the motivation and the drive; however, I didn’t know how. Going through CMPI provided me with the steps on how to go through the process, how to get into college, and what to do after.”

What are some of your hobbies?

“I always joke that school is my hobby, because I spend so much time practicing and now teaching.” Amanda’s main job at the moment is being a private teacher. Aside from teaching and practicing, Amanda loves the outdoors and going canoeing with her new puppy. “I love being outside and going on hikes. I also love canoeing.”


When Amanda was in Undergrad, she worked as a Sushi Chef!

Amanda Perez expressed her enjoyment of working as an intern with CMPI. She feels so grateful to have the opportunity to be a fellow and receive guidance from the program, as well as learning about music administration through her internship. We wish Amanda the best in her career and future endeavors!


Amanda Perez

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