New instruments for CMPI Fellows!
As we get ready to usher in a New Year, several CMPI students from the 2020-2021 cohort have already used their instrument stipend to purchase new instruments! They’ve chosen to share their enthusiasm for their new instruments by sharing odes, poems, haikus, videos, and photos. Enjoy!

CMPI Fellow Kevin Reyes
My shiny new snare drum is round and loud
Whenever I play it, it makes me feel proud
Stick control, rudiments, etudes and more,
It certainly makes some noise indoors!
Snare drum, snare drum, as loud as it can be,
It’s certainly possible to play soft if you ask me!
– Kevin Reyes, CMPI sophomore

CMPI Fellow Dylan Nguyen
– Dylan Nguyen, CMPI Sophomore

CMPI Fellow Deaglan Sullivan
Shiny new trombone
Beautiful notes low and high
Heard throughout the house
-Deaglan Sullivan, CMPI Junior

CMPI Fellow Nicole Kwasny
– Nicole Kwasny, CMPI Senior

CMPI Fellow Shannon Harvey
– Shannon Harvey, CMPI Sophomore
Beautiful dawning
before bass trombone playing
whilst watching the dust
Jonathan Martinez, CMPI freshman