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It is the time of year when school is wrapping up and students are eagerly anticipating summers spent at music festivals and camps. Here’s what some of our CMPI Fellows are looking forward to this summer:

Cello fellow Benjamin Fernandez is trying out Aria International Summer Academy in Massachusetts. This program focuses on private lessons, masterclasses, and audition preparation for older high school, college, and early career students. As he says, “The reason why I chose this camp is because of the wide range of teachers there. This program has many teachers from different universities, and as I approach my senior year, these connections will become important.” He hopes to learn about different teaching styles this summer.

Violinist/violist Olivia Doolin is one of many CMPI string fellows – at last count six – heading off to Ascent International Chamber Music Festival in Ohio. This three-week program is for high-level string players ages 14-30 who plan on practicing solo repertoire, taking lessons, and playing chamber music. Olivia chose this program because she wanted to get to know other musicians. Another attendee is violist Neena Agrawal, who is looking forward to playing chamber music with friends and studying with university-level teachers.

Traveling to Massachusetts is clarinet fellow Sarah Morris, attending Boston University Tanglewood Institute. This program has a high-level young artist orchestra, wind ensemble, and individual workshops for many different instruments. Sarah is excited because she can “fully dedicate myself to music for a few weeks and see old friends.”

Viola fellow David Roche is heading off to Center Stage Strings in Michigan, a perennial favorite of CMPI string fellows due to its elite instruction and diversity. This four-week program focuses on solo repertoire, technique, and chamber music. David says, “I am attending this program with my teacher to get ready for college auditions. I hope that this rigorous and high-level environment will give me the support I need to be prepared.” He is also looking forward to meeting other students and learning from instructors and peers.

One of our younger CMPI fellows, cellist Ken Tabuchi-Yang, will be attending Heifetz International Music Institute in Virginia this summer. This program for exceptional students includes three-week sessions for younger students and a six-week session for older ones. String players take lessons and participate in chamber music. Ken is looking forward to playing chamber music in a trio or quartet, which is something he has not been able to do much in his local area. He’s also excited about staying in a dorm.

Flute fellow Kaylee Johnson will be returning to Interlochen Center for the Arts in Michigan this summer, another favorite program for CMPI fellows, especially winds and brass. She says, “I had a great experience with this program last year when I went to the 1-week flute program, and I heard great things about the orchestra summer camp programs. I am so excited to play in an orchestra with like-minded people and to experience being away from home for a long time.” Interlochen includes orchestra and band camps for all ages, as well as one-week intensive programs.

Returning to another favorite program is clarinet fellow Andrew Olvera, who will be attending Kinhaven Music School in Vermont. This program focuses on chamber music and orchestra and has both junior and senior level sessions. Andrew is looking forward to orchestra, meeting friends new and old, and recapping the fun summer he had there last year.

We wish all CMPI fellows heading off to camps and festivals a wonderful summer! We will be sure to share their experiences in the next few months at these and other great programs.


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